Hong Kong Annual Badminton Championships 2021
今年我和湯堅信拍檔參與全港羽毛球錦標賽中、高級組別的男雙比賽。 中級第一輪就輸了,可能是因為疫情期間訓練不足。幸好我們在高級組男雙的資格賽中過關斬將取得了不錯的成績。我們的下一場比賽將會對陣著名的前香港隊魏仁君和楊禮豐。
I partnered with Tong Kin Shun to participate in the Intermediate and Senior Level of Hong Kong Annual Badminton Championships this year. We lost in the first round of the Intermediate level, possibly due to insufficient practice during the pandemic. We however did manage to come out all right in the Qualifications matches of the Senior level. Our next match will be against the renowned former Hong Kong team members Yohan Hadikusumo WIRATAMA and Albertus Susanto Njoto. Let’s see what happens.
Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton
Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton
Letme share some shots in the previous matches:
Ostin Cheung,
Badminton Coach, Coach Ostin, 張天傲, 羽毛球教練, 張天傲教練
Ostin Cheung,
Badminton Coach, Coach Ostin, 張天傲, 羽毛球教練, 張天傲教練