The 30th Tai Po Cup Badminton Team Invitational
Tournament was held on 1st and 3rd of October 2021.
Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton
Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton
這賽事主辦機構邀請了優秀的業餘羽毛球運動員和職業運動員一起比賽。多麼有趣的體驗!同時也是為了慶祝國慶。獎項不重要, 重要是把運動、樂趣和學習機會混在一起成為一個美好而難忘的活動。
This is a tournament where the best amateur badminton players as well as professional players have been invited. What an experience with fun! Incidentally it is also for the celebration of our National Day. Prize is unimportant. Sports, fun and learning opportunities all mix up to form a good and memorable event.
Ostin Cheung,
Badminton Coach, Coach Ostin, 張天傲, 羽毛球教練, 張天傲教練
Ostin Cheung,
Badminton Coach, Coach Ostin, 張天傲, 羽毛球教練, 張天傲教練