敬發盃羽毛球比賽 2022 Jingfat Cup Badminton Tournament 2022


敬發盃羽毛球比賽 2022
第五波新冠疫情讓所有香港的羽毛球比賽停頓了八個多月, 終於可以在在2022年8月中旬舉行了讓人懷念的敬發盃, 混雙決賽遇上強手林偉松/詹可淇, 我和陳芷楹苦戰落敗, 得了亞軍。至於公開組男雙, 我和劉俊希於四強時遇上黃梓軒/吳澤銘, 他們是勝了周星偉/龐立恒打上來的, 故然信比十足, 我們也不懼怕, 曾經一度18:16領先, 但最後把握不到, 竟然無緣決賽, 只能爭奪季軍, 最後得到季軍和數百元的獎金, 雖不是最理想的結局, 也算不錯。我真的十分享受比賽過程。


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Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton

 [IG: ostin_badminton]

Jingfat Cup Badminton Tournament 2022
The 5th wave of COVID-19 pandemic has halted all Hong Kong badminton competitions for more than eight months. Finally, in mid-August 2022, the Jingfat Cup Badminton Tournament was held. In the mixed doubles final, my partner CHAN TSZ YING and I met strong players
LAM WAI CHUNG / CHIM HO KI, and ended up being the runner-up. As for the men's doubles in the open group, my partner LAU CHUN HEI and I met WONG CHE HIN / NG CHAK MING in the semi-finals. They beat CHOW SING WAI / PONG LAP HANG HUGO in the first round and boosted up their confidence probably. When they were up against us, we once led by 18:16, but unfortunately in the end we couldn't make it to the finals. We ended up the third place and got a reward of a hundred dollars. It was not the most ideal ending, but it was not bad. I did enjoy the the competitions.

Sharing a few shots