2024大埔區羽毛球比賽雙冠軍 Tai Po Badminton Competition Champs


張天傲 Ostin / 駱健晴 Jade


張天傲 Ostin Cheung
潘逸文 Brian (Left)

2024年9月8日在大埔體育館舉行了本年度的大埔區羽毛球比賽,今届參加了男子單打和公開混雙。混雙八強遇上日本人寺田雅弘/CRESP Yohie, 激烈地打了三局, 然後進入准決賽, 幾經辛苦再過兩關然後奪冠, 多謝混雙拍檔駱健晴。男單決賽對手是好友潘逸文, 又是打了三局才能奪冠。今年能在本區主場連奪兩個冠軍, 實在高興, 明年繼續努力💪💪





Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton
Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton

This year's Tai Po District Badminton Competition was held at Tai Po Sports Center on September 8, 2024. I enrolled in men's singles and open mixed doubles. In the quarter final of Mixed Doubles we met the Japanese pair Masahiro Terada/Cresp Yohie. We played three intense games before getting into the semi-finals. We then passed two more hurdles before winning the championship. Many thanks to my Mixed Doubles partner Jade Lok. The opponent in the Men's Singles final was my friend Brian Poon, and he forced me to the deciding game before I won. I am really happy to be a double champion this year at home district. I will continue to work hard next year. 💪💪  

Special thanks also go to the sponsors:




Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton

Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton