會長盃全港羽毛球混合團體錦標賽(決賽)The President Cup HK Badminton Team Championship (Final)

2022年10月30日在將軍澳體育館舉行, 我們的球隊Naches在初混決賽中, 具有不敗紀錄的男雙輸了少少, 導致我們最強的女雙和較有信心的混雙無緣出場爭勝, 我隊只能得到亞軍, 但也值的我們興功。
在這裡一提, 在飽受防疫干擾的2022年僅有的比賽中, 我參與的12場個人和團體賽中, 有幸拿到6冠4亞2季。尚算滿意。


Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton

Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton

The President Cup HK Badminton Team Championship (Final)

Held at Tseung Kwan O Stadium on 30th October 2022, our team Naches battled in the finals of Elementary Mixed, our men's doubles pair with an unbeaten past record accidentally lost a bit in the match, resulting in our strongest women's doubles pair and our confident mixed doubles pair not being able to compete. Our team can only get the first runner-up prize.  That is not bed.
I would like to mention here that even though the holding of badminton competitions in Hong Kong has been badly disrupted by anti-pandemic measures in 2022, I was fortunate enough to grab 6 championships, 4 first runner-up and 2 second runner-up prizes, including both individual and team competitions I participated in. Frankly I am quite satisfied.