九龍城區分齡羽毛球比賽2022男單冠軍Kowloon City Badminton Competition2022

今年九龍城區成年男單在2022年11月6日星期日舉行, 五場比賽安排在一天中的四個小時內完成, 好處是不用走兩次, 壞處是無休息時間, 初賽碰上林家弛和潘逸文, 都是高手, 有幸險勝, 四強遇拉吊好手郭政權, 花了很多體才能兩局取勝, 決賽對手是黃裕朗, 也是僅勝, 終於在身心俱疲下拿了冠軍。高興!

Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton       Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton

張天傲 Ostin Cheung
(Thanks to Lam Hung Chun the photographer)

2022 Men's Singles Champion in Kowloon City Badminton Competition
This year, all Men's Singles for my group was on Sunday, November 6, 2022. The five matches are scheduled to be completed within four hours within the same day. The good thing is that you don't have to go twice. The bad thing is that there is not enough rest time between matches. All the players I have played against today were badminton masters. Luckily I just have enough energy to finish all the matches.  I am exhilarated!

Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton

Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton