今年荃灣區成年男雙在2022年12月11日星期日舉行, 四場比賽安排在一天中的六個小時內完成, 中午有足夠時間休息和吃中午飯, 這次很高興能和林庭暉拍檔, 順利進入四強, 四強對手是關灝章/羅嘉賢, 一局比一局辛苦, 但有幸取勝進入決賽, 決賽時對手是上屆冠軍王旭浩/梁凱傑, 真是高手, 結果我們要打足三局才僅勝, 總算是2022年內最後一次區賽中拿了冠軍。高興!在此特別感謝拍檔林庭暉!也特別鳴謝贊助商@kawasaki_sports_hk
Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton
林庭暉 / 張天傲 |
This year’s Tsuen Wan Adult Men’s Doubles was held on Sunday, December 11, 2022. The four matches were scheduled to be completed within six hours of the day, and there was enough time to rest and have lunch at noon. At the semi-final, the opponents are strong making one game harder than the other. But fortunately we made it to the final. The opponents in the final are the reigning champion of Tsuen Wan Adult Men's Doubles. They are extremely good. In the end we had to play three games before winning. This is the last regional championship in 2022. Exhilarated! Special thanks to my partner Jason Lam! Also many thanks to my sponsor @kawasaki_sports_hk