屯門親子羽毛球賽2022 Tuen Mun Parent-child Badminton Tournament2022

今年第一次參加屯門親子羽毛球賽, 賽事於2022年12月26日在屯門良田體育館舉行。
R1 對手是陳偉龍陳柏謙, 很辛苦才能取勝,  R2對手是黃文浩黃旭輝, 也不容易,  半準決賽對手是技術型打法的王世雄王國陞, 總算勝出, 準決賽對手是余程郁余文傑, 余文傑能力強又重板, 又是艱苦取勝, 決賽對手是上届亞軍一號種子杜誦康杜智軒, 我們越打越順, 又遇上對手出現疲態, 我們順利取得冠軍, 四年來沒有打過親子賽, 今次又嘗冠軍滋味。我和父親都極開心。


Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton       Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton


It is the first time my father and I participated in the Tuen Mun Parent-child Badminton Tournament this year. The event was held on December 26, 2022 at the Tuen Mun Leung Tin Stadium. From round 1 to the Final, we have been encountering very strong opponents. Getting this champion is certainly not an easy job. We won the championship.  It's been four years since the last time my father and I played parent-child competition. We are the champion again. My father and I are both extremly happy.

Thanks to my sponsor 