第36届北區羽賽成年男雙 36th North District Adult Men's Doubles


第36届北區羽賽成年男雙在2023年1月15日星期日舉行, 四場比賽安排在一天中的八個小時內完成, 中午有足夠時間休息和吃中午飯, 這次很高興能和老拍檔劉俊希合作, 第一輪就對著北區港運會代表張洛豪/唐家誠, 總算勝出, 八強碰上能力和技術高超的對手曾梓旻/陳建良, 四強對手是林霆軒/林主牽, 一場局比一場辛苦, 但有幸取勝進入決賽, 決賽時已經疲累不堪, 對手是胡繼和/黃浩昇, 打足三局才能取勝。這是2023年我拿的第一次區賽冠軍。在此特別感謝拍檔劉俊希!也特別鳴謝贊助商@kawasaki_sports_hk

Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton       Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton

張天傲 / 劉俊希

The 36th North District Badminton Adult Men's Doubles Tournament was held on Sunday, January 15, 2023. The four matches are scheduled to be completed within eight hours of the day, and there is enough time for rest and lunch at noon. Together with my partner Lau Chun Hei, I went through all the matches and grabbed the champion medals. This is my first regional championship in 2023. Special thanks to my partner and to my sponsors@kawasaki_sports_hk