大埔區分齡羽毛球比賽 2023
(左起) 羅世昌 . 張天傲 . 潘逸文 (Photo by Edwin Leung)
今年正式復常後的大埔區羽毛球比賽,於9月24日星期天在大埔體育館順利舉行。雙打竟然抽唔中無得打, 幸好單打抽中, 在我的主場比賽, 實在開心。男單四強遇我的好友羅世昌, 決賽碰的又是我的好友潘逸文。今天拿了個冠軍, 是我在2023年內的第四個冠軍, 餘下比賽不多, 只能繼續努力。也特別鳴謝贊助商:
@bix_hk @protein_stax
Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton
Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton
Tai Po District Badminton Competition 2023 was successfully held at the Tai Po Sports Center on Sunday, September 24. I couldn't enrol the overly crowded men's doubles, but luckily I could still compete in the men's singles. I am really happy to play at my home court. At the men's singles semi-finals I played against my good friend SC Law. At the final I played against another of my good friend Brian Poon. I won a championship today, which is my fourth championship in 2023. Not many games are left this year, so I can only keep working hard in the coming tournaments. Special thanks to my sponsors: @kawasaki_sports_hk @bix_hk @protein_stax