第37届北區羽賽成年男雙 37th North District Adult Men's Doubles

 第37届北區羽賽成年男雙準決賽和決賽均在2023年10月29日星期日於保榮路體育館舉行, 很高興能和拍檔劉俊希再度合作, 四強對手是吳卓峰/周兆嵐, 順利晉級, 決賽時對手是張俊豪/彭樂天, 同是兩局取勝。在此特別感謝拍檔劉俊希!也特別鳴謝贊助商@kawasaki_sports_hk@bix_hk 

Youtube Channel: ostin_badminton       Instagram (IG): ostin_badminton

The 37th North District Badminton Adult Men's Doubles Tournament was held on Sunday, October 29, 2023. Together with my partner Lau Chun Hei, we won in both the semi-final and final in two straight games. This is probably my last regional championship in 2023 since other regional competitions would probably clash with my other team events. Special thanks to my partner and to my sponsors@kawasaki_sports_hk and @bix_hk 

